Monday, June 28, 2010

June 25: Epidarus + Lerna

Woke up early this morning in Nafplion for breakfast ready to tackle Epidarus and Lerna. Breakfast was not as good as at the Herodian but it was good. The croissants were about three times there normal size!! No joke, it was like eating a loaf of buttery bread! And what do you know Texas was there!! When we got on the bus ride to go to Epidarus I had already felt car sick; a combination of the night before and the winding roads. The theater of Epidarus is the most well preserved theater in ancient times. The acoustics are simply fabulous!! You could hear from the top seat in the theater someone whispering in the orchestra at the bottom of the theater.

We saw the sanctuary and basically the healing temples associated with the sacred site. There wasn't much left, you really had to use your imagination to understand the layout and what took place there. We ate a simple lunch that we had packed from breakfast, for me it was bread and an apple.

Then we were off to Lerna an archeological site that pre-dated almost every other palace and fortification walls but 1,100 years! Talk about amazing. Most of the town is beneath the olive production that farmers have grown there that the American excavators have given back to the locals to use for agricultural purposes. We then went straight to the pebble beaches off of the coast of Nafplion, they were amazing! There was no sand in sight much less sea life and it was windy but the day could not have been better spent!! We ate at a bistro…I had crab salad and stuffed peppers. Yummmmm.

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